GHK-CU + Epithalon + MOTS-C Blend

GHK-CU is a peptide derived from the amino acid sequence glycyl-histidyl-lysine. It is known for its potential therapeutic properties and is commonly used in skincare products and medical research

Disclaimer: Some products on this site are for Research, Development use only. Products are not for human consumption of any kind. The statements made within this website have not been evaluated by the US Food and Drug Administration. The statements and the products of this company are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

GHK-CU + Epithalon + MOTS-C Blend

Regular price $369.00
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Skin Health
Metabolic Health

GHK-Cu, known for its biological and anti-aging properties, stimulates collagen production, aiding in wound healing, tissue repair, and anti-inflammatory effects. It may enhance skin regeneration, improving texture and reducing fine lines and wrinkles. Epithalon, a synthetic peptide modeled after natural epithalamin from the pineal gland, offers anti-aging benefits, cellular longevity, antioxidant properties, immune support, melatonin regulation for better sleep, and neuroprotective effects. MOTS-C, a mitochondrial-derived peptide, promotes cellular balance, decreases insulin resistance, improves stamina, and sharpens focus, supporting overall health goals.

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98% Pure Peptides

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Research suggests

Improves Sleep Quality

Improves Metabolic Health

Skin Rejuvenation

Improved Exercise Performance

Increases Hair Growth

Increased Energy Levels

GHK-CU is a peptide derived from the amino acid sequence glycyl-histidyl-lysine. It is known for its potential therapeutic properties and is commonly used in skincare products and medical research

Disclaimer: Some products on this site are for Research, Development use only. Products are not for human consumption of any kind. The statements made within this website have not been evaluated by the US Food and Drug Administration. The statements and the products of this company are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

GHK-CU, Epithalon & MOTS-C: Transforming Skin, Healing Wounds, and Nurturing Hair Growth

Explore the Versatile Benefits of GHK-CU & Epithalon for Anti-Aging, Accelerated Healing, and Cellular Longevity.

Skin Rejuvenation

GHK-CU is renowned for its skin rejuvenation properties. This peptide can help improve skin texture, reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, and promote a more youthful complexion. With GHK-CU, you can rediscover radiant and revitalized skin.

Enhanced Wound Healing

GHK-CU has shown remarkable potential in wound healing. By stimulating collagen production, supporting blood vessel formation, and aiding tissue remodeling, this peptide can accelerate the natural healing process. Whether it's a minor injury or post-surgery recovery, GHK-CU can be your ally in faster healing.

Potential for Hair Growth

GHK-CU may hold the secret to promoting hair growth. Studies suggest that this peptide can stimulate hair follicles, leading to improved hair thickness and potentially addressing hair loss concerns. Embrace the possibility of fuller and healthier hair with GHK-CU.


One of the primary proposed benefits of Epithalon is its anti-aging effect, attributed to its ability to stimulate telomerase production. Telomerase is an enzyme that aids in the repair and elongation of telomeres, which are protective segments at the end of chromosomes. As we age, telomeres naturally shorten, leading to cellular aging and dysfunction. By potentially maintaining telomere length, Epithalon could slow down this aspect of the cellular aging process, potentially leading to healthier aging at the cellular level.

Improved Sleep Patterns

It is believed to regulate the production of melatonin, the hormone responsible for regulating sleep cycles. By normalizing melatonin levels in the body, Epithalon may help in improving the quality of sleep, leading to better overall health and well-being. This benefit is particularly intriguing as sleep quality is a critical factor in various aspects of health, including cognitive function, mood regulation, and even metabolic health.

Enhanced Skin Health

Another suggested benefit of Epithalon is its positive effect on skin health. This is thought to be due to its potential role in promoting cellular health and preventing the deterioration of cells, which is a key aspect of skin aging. By preserving the health of skin cells, Epithalon might aid in reducing the signs of aging such as wrinkles, fine lines, and loss of elasticity. This aspect of Epithalon is particularly appealing in the context of cosmetic and dermatological applications, although more research is needed to fully understand its efficacy and mechanisms in skin health.

Metabolic Flexibility

MOTS-C has garnered attention for its ability to enhance metabolic flexibility, a key factor in overall metabolic health. Metabolic flexibility refers to the body's capacity to efficiently switch between using carbohydrates and fats as sources of energy based on the availability of nutrients and energy demands. Research suggests that MOTS-C can optimize this metabolic switch, ensuring that the body utilizes the most appropriate energy source for its needs. This adaptability is vital for maintaining energy balance, especially under varying dietary and exercise conditions. By promoting metabolic flexibility, MOTS-C may contribute to better weight management and metabolic health.

Insulin Sensitivity

One of the well-established benefits of MOTS-C is its role in improving insulin sensitivity. Insulin sensitivity is a measure of how effectively the body responds to insulin, a hormone that regulates blood sugar levels. Impaired insulin sensitivity is a hallmark of insulin resistance, a precursor to type 2 diabetes. MOTS-C works by facilitating the uptake of glucose into cells, helping to regulate blood sugar levels more efficiently. This improvement in insulin sensitivity can reduce the risk of developing insulin resistance and may offer potential therapeutic benefits for individuals with metabolic disorders or those at risk of type 2 diabetes.

Fat Utilization

MOTS-C's ability to promote the use of fats for energy has generated significant interest, especially in the context of weight management. Research suggests that MOTS-C can enhance the body's utilization of fatty acids for energy production, potentially aiding in the breakdown and utilization of stored fat. This effect aligns with increased energy expenditure and may have implications for weight loss efforts. While further studies are needed to fully understand the mechanisms behind MOTS-C's influence on fat utilization, its potential in supporting weight management is an intriguing avenue of research that has captured the attention of scientists and health enthusiasts alike.

The science of GHK-CU

The science behind GHK-CU revolves around its remarkable properties as a bioactive copper peptide. GHK-CU is composed of three amino acids: glycine, histidine, and lysine, combined with a copper ion. This unique composition plays a crucial role in its biological activity. GHK-CU is believed to influence various cellular processes, including collagen synthesis, inflammation modulation, and antioxidant protection. It can also chelate copper ions, helping to maintain a balanced copper level in the body. One of its most prominent roles is in skin rejuvenation, where it stimulates collagen production and promotes the regeneration of skin cells. Additionally, GHK-CU has shown potential in wound healing by accelerating tissue repair and minimizing scar formation. Its multifaceted scientific properties continue to be a subject of research, unlocking new insights into its potential applications in skincare, wound care, and beyond.

The science of Epithalon

Epithalon, also known as Epitalon or Epithalone, is a synthetic tetrapeptide, meaning it's composed of four amino acid residues. The science behind Epithalon centers on its presumed ability to stimulate the production of telomerase, an enzyme crucial for telomere elongation in DNA. Telomeres are protective caps at the ends of chromosomes, and their length is associated with cellular aging; as cells divide, telomeres shorten, eventually leading to cellular senescence or death. By stimulating telomerase, Epithalon is thought to promote the maintenance or elongation of telomeres, potentially counteracting the aging process at a cellular level. This mechanism could theoretically lead to various anti-aging effects, including improved tissue health, enhanced organ function, and overall longevity. However, it's important to note that while these mechanisms are scientifically plausible, robust clinical evidence supporting the efficacy and safety of Epithalon in humans is still limited. Therefore, its use and benefits are a subject of ongoing research and discussion in the scientific community.

The science of MOTS-C

MOTS-c, a novel mitochondrial-derived peptide, represents a significant breakthrough in our understanding of the interplay between mitochondria and cellular metabolism. Encoded within the mitochondrial DNA, MOTS-c has emerged as a key regulator of metabolic functions. It primarily acts by modulating metabolic pathways to enhance insulin sensitivity and optimize energy utilization. This involves the activation of AMPK (AMP-activated protein kinase), a crucial enzyme in energy homeostasis, which facilitates the uptake and utilization of glucose and fatty acids in the cells. Additionally, MOTS-c influences the expression of genes related to metabolism, contributing to improved metabolic flexibility. This means it can help the body efficiently switch between burning carbohydrates and fats as energy sources, a critical factor in maintaining energy balance, especially under varying dietary and exercise conditions. Its role in promoting fat utilization over glucose is particularly notable, as it aligns with increased energy expenditure and potentially improved metabolic health. The potential of MOTS-c extends beyond just metabolism; emerging research suggests possible applications in areas like aging, obesity, type 2 diabetes, and exercise performance. However, much of the research is still in the preliminary stages, and a deeper understanding of MOTS-c's mechanisms of action and long-term effects is crucial to fully harness its potential in therapeutic applications.


Certificate of Analysis (COA)


Certificate of Analysis (COA)


Certificate of Analysis (COA)


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For personalized health advice and to understand the suitability of peptides for individual conditions, consulting with a healthcare professional is recommended.

Frequently asked questions about GHK-CU

Any medical treatment or supplement should be discussed with a healthcare provider for personalized advice.

Frequently asked questions about Epithalon

Any medical treatment or supplement should be discussed with a healthcare provider for personalized advice.

Frequently asked questions about MOTS-C

Any medical treatment or supplement should be discussed with a healthcare provider for personalized advice.